Senior Pastor: Daniel Jenkins
Assistant Pastor: Marian Jenkins
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Sundays : 10:30AM - 12:30 PM
Prayer Line:
Access Code 141479
(Tuesdays & Fridays at 5am)
PENIEL NIGHT-Prayer Meeting
(Every Last Friday of the Month

Meet Our Pastors
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Senior Pastor Rev. Daniel Jenkins is a lifetime soldier for Christ whose journey in ministry began over forty years ago. He was, at the start of his walk with Christ, a vibrant street evangelist and singer whose only desire was
to preach of the wondrous love of Christ. After many years as a mechanical technician and a small businesseman, he yielded to the call of God and completed Central University College in 1990 and began his ministry as the Family & Marriage Pastor with ICGC- Christ Temple in Accra, Ghana.
His work was blessed by God as he was the forerunner of the mass wedding ceremony, marrying tens of couples at one time. Through grace and hard work, he was able to set the marriage counseling and wedding template still used by many churches today.
Rev. Daniel Jenkins has personally officiated hundreds of weddings and to this day still serves as a counselor for many aspiring and already married couples. He also traveled extensively throughout the ICGCfamily reinforcing proper pre and post-marital procedure.
Rev. Daniel Jenkins reignited his apostolic ministry when he joined forces with East New York Wesleyan Church now the New Hope Family Worship Center where he worked with the Rev. Dr. Anthony Graham from 2001to 2003.
In 2003 Rev. Jenkins responded to the God's direction and took leadership of Revelation Temple a church he originally planted in Maryland in the year 2000. Rev. Daniel Jenkins has authored, "How to Have An Enjoyable Marriage" a self-help book for couples who seek to enjoy their union to the fullest.
Rev. Daniel Jenkins is known as a lovable man whose love for Christ is deep.
Rev. Daniel Jenkins is assisted by his wife of 40 years, Pastor Marian Jenkins.
Pastor Marian A trained teacher for over twenty-five years and a Licensed Practical nurse, has been at the side of her husband through out all his years in Ministry as a marriage and Family Enrichment counselor.
She is also a graduate of Haggai Institute and a born-again Christian for over forty years.
Pastor Marian was also actively involved with the Girls' Guide and was an active participant in their international jamborees in England from 1992-96. She is actively involved in the prayer ministry and leads the Women's ministry as well.
As a couple Rev. Daniel and Pastor Marian are parents of four children and grandparents to five and parents to many spiritual children and their home is always open to all .Our pastors share an intense love for practical Biblical application and a wide grasp of critical issues affecting Christian families which serve as the basis for the church.

I confess that the Lord Most High is the strength of my salvation.
He has blessed me with every spiritual blessing in
heavenly places through Christ Jesus.
He has touched me with his divine power and given me authority in his kingdom.
Therefore, in the name of Jesus, I come into agreement with God’s word and declare that I am blessed beyond a curse.
The spirit of God will move mightily in my life as I walk in the spirit.
And Goodness and Mercy, signs and wonders shall follow me wherever I go.
The Lord will honor his promises to me and manifest his power through me.
I boldly declare that disgrace, disappointment, and defeat shall be far away from me.
The faithful God who cannot lie is my portion.
All his promises to me are “Yes” and “Amen.”
He hears my prayers, heals all my diseases, and will prosper the work of my hand.
I’m an heir of God and joint heirs with Christ, I’m redeemed from the curse and blessed beyond measure.
I overcome the enemy by the blood of Jesus and the word of my testimony.
The Lord fills my years with his blessings and favors.
He turns the sea into dry land and leads me in his triumph.
My days on Earth are like the days of Heaven above.
In the name of Jesus I declare that I am led by the Holy Spirit.
I am surrounded by God’s presence, I am annointed for greater works, This is a day of new mercies for me.
This week is my week of uncommon breakthrough.
I believe it!... I recieve it!... and I have it... right now, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
We believe… that there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons:
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe… in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in his virgin birth and in his bodily resurrection.
We believe… the Bible to be inspired by the Word of God.
We believe… in salvation by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe… in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as a subsequent gift to salvation.
We believe… in the provision of bodily healing in the atoning work of Jesus our Savior.
We believe… in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the saved and the lost; the saved unto eternal life, living eternally in the presence of God, and the unsaved unto eternal damnation.